In the future, name card of everybody will have their own bar code, which could direct scan via the camera phones.
Everybody could use this barcode to add a new entry into address book or dial a number to reach someone. The more powerful is, you can also buy the beverage in the vending machine with similar function. SimpleAct Inc. launched a new service which combined "2-dimension bar code", "Camera phones" and "eCommerce" named QuickMark. QuickMark is a brand-new consumption channel will let the future consumer behavior change completely.
Don't feel strange if see someone use a camera phone to taking pictures toward vending machine in Taiwan afterwards. In fact, they are not shooting the coke, but buying coke via camera phone. Or someday, maybe you'll got the name card from your customer with a 2-D barcode on it, don't think it's a lottery. Just use the camera phones to scan barcode, needn't manual input , can auto add a new entry into address book easily. SimpleAct Inc. launched a new service which combined "2-dimention bar code", "Camera phones" and "eCommerce"named QuickMark. QuickMark is a brand-new consumption channel will let the future consumer behavior change completely.
Try to explain more simply, the concept of QuickMark is to regard camera phones as the scanners to use, only VGA camera level phones are require with relevant software. With the camera phones with QuickMark installed, just need to scan the barcode, the encode bar code will decode by the QuickMark decoder and then shown the information stored in barcode. QuickMark is a low cost killer application in m-commerce territory. Neither special high-grade cell-phone nor pre-pay are all un-necessary. It can be apply to vending machine, buy tickets or on-line game credit points, pay the parking fee, even download MP3 or ring tone are all can go on in this way.
The world had changed to mobility, the application of the 2D barcode ' has already been used extensively in Japan and South Korea. But all the technology or application were designed for domestic user, it is difficultly and expensive to implement those technology to Taiwan. Regarding to this, SimpleAct Inc. base on their own technology to develop the brand-new open architecture 2-D barcode application platform named QuickMark.
QuickMark is an open architecture 2-D barcode application platform, it can offer mainly high elasticity and totally open environment for enterprises with 100% independence and convenience. QuickMark creates a brand-new m-commerce marketing channel for enterprise to increasing the revenue. It also offer more customers service and will decrease expense and other benefits.
SimpleAct Inc. is a genuine domestic provider major in system software design and develop, familiar in all kind of application in relevant industry. We promise to offer customer and cooperative partner real-time and elastic technological service. The birth of QuickMark opens the limitless business opportunity of telecommunication industry. In the fierce competitive telecommunication market, the QuickMark will bring the new market and chance for cell-phone field, network marketing, the content provider and m-commerce.
Now, SimpleAct Inc. is negotiating QuickMark application with many manufacturer or operator. And users can download QuickMark software from free for support phones. Now, cell-phone market had get into maturity, but QuickMark will bring this market into another peak. We expect the revolution will bring the phone users into a new convenient and colorful mobility life.
QuickMark is a 2-D barcode system designed for mobility electronic devices with camera module (such as camera phones, PDA, smart phones, Webcams, scanners, decoders and etc.) The system provide encode, make code, decode tools and application service. It's a light, quick and easy to use application. QuickMark can simplify the original tedious operate process on cell phones. With low gap, only 3 hundred thousand pixel cameras are required, any user can download the decode software free from QuickMark website.
With the build-in QuickMark camera phones, user can aim the barcode on any goods or DM with lens, the QuickMark application will decode the barcode automatically in seconds. It could be apply to web surfing, address book, ring tone download, game download, promotion or m-commerce. For example, the easiest way to use QuickMark is to paste a 2-D barcode with your name and phone number in it on your business card. Anyone who got this, they can use QuickMark to decode the information and add an new entry in phonebook.
Marvelous e-commerce application going mobile
It's easy to love QuickMark Mobile solutions, be it payment, logistic, ticketing, anti-counterfeiting, identity authentication, advertising or many promotional possibilities!
QuickMark Mobile is designed for everyday life from your mobile phone! Using camera lens on the mobile phone as a scanner, QuickMark tool simplifies many long and tedious operation process when information from the physical world needs to get on to your mobile phone, like when you want to make payments using your phone, track your package, or make reservation, just to name a few. QuickMark mobile is powerful, flexible, stable, yet light foot-printed for easy integration to existing legacy systems.
What is QuickMark Mobile
QuickMark Mobile is a mobile barcode solution which is designed for camera ready cell phone or devices. Barcode is composed of black and white square which represent information of word, picture, or voice.
QuickMark Mobile has several advantages, such as instinctive operation, large capacity, high stability, data encryption & fast barcode recognition. The matrix of QuickMark can contain several hundreds of characters words, even pictures and voice. Barcodes can be printed not just on white paper, but any kinds of material with enough flat area. QuickMark error correction is designed to ensure decoding correctly even if barcode is smudged or damaged to a certain degree.
The advantages of QuickMark Mobile
1. Anti-Counterfeiting & encryption
2. Lower cost
3. Large capacity
4. Low device requirement
5. Advance error correction technology
6. Flexible barcode sizes and colors
7. Rich content formats
8. Message portability
9. Online & offline uses
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QuickMark Mobile Barcode v3.8 for Smartphone

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Wednesday, April 23, 2008
QuickMark Mobile Barcode v3.6 for Smartphone
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